Better Posture, Less Pain

The better posture, less pain workshop is beneficial for almost anybody, it can help many different areas of the body and mind, which can lead to a better function for daily living.

This workshop is designed to give benefits to your body and mind as it is like going to four different classes in the one. All of the classes have benefits of their own, but together as a whole makes a far superior workshop. The exercises are simple enough to do in the comfort of your own home once you have applied the techniques. A manual will also be provided at the workshop for your benefit. This workshop will help you to become better aligned to acquire a better posture which will lead to better daily function for less pain, to help prevent further injury and to maintain quality of life. For those that don’t have any medical ailments, this workshop can be extremely beneficial as it will keep your body in good health for the future.

The benefits of this workshop are:

The exercises, postures, breathing and relaxation techniques will help towards better posture and alignment, strengthen and stretch for improved flexibility and mobilization, Improve joint mobility, speed metabolism, balance and heal the body and mind, relaxation and breathing techniques for overall well-being. These methods will also help to, stimulate circulation, eliminate toxins and waste products, release stress and tension, feel more relaxed and positive plus help to gain better quality of life.

The subjects covered in this workshop are:

Breath Control

Relaxation Techniques

Guided Imagery Meditation

Relaxation with Passive Body

Pilates Techniques

Abdominal Core Control

Stretches / Postures and Exercises

Energy Body Balance