General Public

Classes Held At Havannah

PILATES (60 Minutes)

Wednesday’s 8.30am Havannah Harbour

Vanuatu Pilates is a class designed to help you to improve your overall strength, toning, flexibility and mobilization. It is all about concentrating, controlling and working with the consistency within a move. A mat floor workout approach will have you feeling energized after you have completed your class. You have the option of no equipment or resistance tools such as, small balls, fitness balls, fitness circles and or flex bands for an extra workout. Classes are for all levels of fitness and can be modified to meet your needs.

General Public Classes 2,000vt per person

YOGA (60 & 90 Minutes)

Yoga classes on demand!

If you have a group that may like to come to Havannah Harbour then personalized yoga classes can be arranged for you.

If you are staying in Havannah Harbour at your accommodation, then why not have your classes at your place of stay.

Yoga sessions can consist of breath control, meditation, guided imagery meditation and a combination of yoga poses. Choose from vinyasa, vinyasa flow or yin yoga.


For those that are staying at The Havannah Resort then there are classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings by bookings at the resort.

Prices depend on location of classes and numbers of participants.