Deep Relaxation

What is a Deep Relaxation Session?

Deep relaxation and Hypnotherapy have been used for many years to help people conquer many fears, bad habits and improve many ailments physical and mental. These techniques are used because the success rate can be quite substantial.

With a deep relaxation session you will relax further than a general relaxation class. The mind and body will completely relax to a point where the subconscious mind will begin to be more in control than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind and if we can use this to our ability it can be a very rewarding tool to give strength and power to help ourselves to maintain a better quality of life.

Deep Relaxation sessions can have an amazing effect on people, so much so that I  have had some participants tell me, that I had saved their lives! I am not quite sure if this was true but it certainly made me feel like I had made a difference to someone’s life by providing a positive mind set for them. Most people experience some sort of mental stress or depression during their life time, and some people are able to deal with these situations much easier than others. For others it can be a struggle and it becomes a downward spiral feeling like you a falling into a pit! If you are someone who has these down periods and you don’t know how to cope, then it is best to not leave these problems un-dealt with; either tell someone about how you are feeling or seek help through a professional representative.


Deep Relaxation is similar to a relaxation session, all of the guided imagery (as in the ‘Guided Imagery Meditation‘), is much the same, the difference with this sessions is that you will be taken deeper into relaxation for the subconscious mind to be able to become more aware and alert.

Your session will begin with breath control to relax your body and mind, you will be guided through your breath to take in relaxed thoughts and feelings while eliminating stress and tension and negativity. You will continue to be taken on a journey of guided imagery which may take you to a beach, a garden or even floating down a river on a raft. As you are on this journey you will feel the stress and tension leaving your body with each breath that you take. Your breath control will be more relaxed and your muscles will start to unwind and feel comfortable. Feel the waves of the ocean trickle over your feet to bring in positive awareness, confidence and motivation. Feel soft petals underneath your feet to enlighten your sense of touch. Feel the warmth of the sun as it penetrates onto your face and through your body to give you energy, circulation, strength and power, all of these things will leave you feeling alive and important.

Your session will start to change when you will be guided to a count up system. You will begin to feel tired, your eyes and body will feel heavy and you will be completely calm and tranquil. At this stage you will begin to feel comfortable and relaxed giving you the sensation that you will not want to move. This is now where the subconscious mind will become more aware and alert allowing the repeated phrases and words to take in positive affirmations. This means your subconscious mind will start to believe more effectively. A countdown system which will leave you feeling relaxed and important as your session finishes.

Your session can be for general stress management or it can be to focus on things that are important for you to achieve, or you can even work on bad habits, such as smoking, fear and anger.

If you are a beginner looking to start your journey of relaxation then a great option is the Vanuatu Guided Imagery Meditation session.

If you are unable to attend any of my sessions then why not purchase one of my Relaxation or Deep Relaxation sessions. Available on cd or download.