
‘The Anahata Sanctuary’ in Vanuatu is a great place to come and try many classes and or sessions. Vanuatu Fitness and Pilates classes can help you to keep active while the Vanuatu Meditation and Relaxation sessions will help keep your mind and body calm and peaceful. Have your own personal instructor guide you through a variety of fitness & exercise classes, meditation, guided imagery meditation and stress management sessions. Classes and sessions can be designed to meet your needs from your fitness level, co-ordination to preferred length of time.

Personal classes can be arranged by appointment and can be performed at Havannah or at your place of stay.

If you fancy a short trip from Port Vila to Havannah Bay and enjoy pilates and or yin / yang then come and participate in any one of the existing group classes. Meet the locals for a chat and cuppa after the class.

Visit the General Public classes or Personal & Small Group for further details or visit The Anahata Sanctuary Facebook page for upcoming classes and informative news.