Massage Training

Vanuatu Massage Training

Would you like to learn how to massage? At some time we all tend to massage someone’s shoulders or back if they have pain or discomfort, but with a little extra help you will be on your way to understanding some of the procedures and moves to have the confidence to improve your skill.

Massage can be so beneficial, it can help reduce stress and tension, reduce pain and discomfort, improve circulation, eliminate toxins help vitality and encourage sleep. You will be able to help your friends, family and loved one’s by learning the art of massage. In this basic massage training you will learn some important knowledge about massage, the strokes and pressure and importantly procedures.

You will be given notes with picture sequencing to follow after you have finished your training.

There are no set training times so you can choose your preferred time. Prices are dependent on numbers attending. Come with a friend or get a small group together. Minimum 2 people.

For more information on Vanuatu Massage Training please Contact Us direct.