Retreat Itinerary


(PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A EXAMPLE: For more information on retreat weekends and locations please  Contact us)

You will be amazed at the benefits of this fabulous weekend we have planned for you!

(Check for availability to add to this retreat weekend, or other days available).


    • 2 Nights Accommodation
    • 2 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners (including drinks & morning and afternoon tea)
    • All Group Sessions
    • 1 Individual Consultation
    • 60 Minute Massage
    • Shoulder and Foot Massages
  • Workshop Notes
  • Deep Relaxation Cd
  • Yoga Sessions
  • Guided Walks
  • Core Stability Exercises


 Friday Afternoon –  Arrival and Refreshing Cleansing Juice

Check In at 2pm or you can arrive earlier to relax and have a nutritious lunch (extra charge for lunch)

Individual Consultation with Sandra Kaye (what would you like to achieve from this workshop). Your time will be allotted on arrival.

60 Minute Relaxation Massage (time allotted on arrival). We want you to start relaxing from the moment you arrive. Enjoy this one hour of luxury for your aroma massage.

Some free time to relax and unwind.

6.00pm – Dinner (All meals will be nutritious and aid towards cleansing and detoxification). Fresh vegetable and fruit juices included.

7.00pm – Group Introduction and a brief discussion on the workshops

 Saturday –

7.00am – Yoga Hatha, A relaxing way to start your morning, if we have nice weather we will set up on the beach or deck area to take in fresh air as we work our way through some basic poses.

8.30am – Breakfast (A fresh start to get us through the day)

10.00am – Positive Body, Mind and Spirit Workshop begins with Sandra Kaye on Breath Control and Energy Body Balancing.

This 2 hour session will start with breath control; we will learn how to breathe correctly which will help us to relax our body and mind. Once we have mastered our breathing we will work with energy, (Energy Body Balancing) and use this energy within us and around us. A few exercises working with energy and then we will use a self healing approach (similar to Reiki) and apply it working through the hara and the chakras of the body. This will be a good chance to focus on your own elements to achieve during this workshop.

12.00pm – Lunch

1.00pm – PBMS ContinueDeep Relaxation, (concentrating on Relaxation, Positive Awareness and Confidence) We will continue with what we have learnt from earlier with breath control and energy body balancing and apply it to enhance our deep relaxation. In this deep relaxation session we will be guided (guided imagery) through a rainforest and then along a beach. As we walk we will notice how relaxed our breathing is, we feel comfortable and safe in our surroundings; we eliminate toxins and cleanse our body. Enjoy the waves as they trickle over our feet bringing in power, strength, circulation and energy. Our footprints have been left behind with stress, tension and negativity and as we continue walking we feel the sensations through touch, smell and sounds. We work through each part of our body noticing them and how they feel, believing in ourselves, and our ability’s. As we continue there will be a count up system, which will help us to completely relax. This is when we begin to work through our subconscious mind as it is far more powerful than the conscious mind. There will be repeated positive words and phrases which will help to enforce our subconscious mind to believe and achieve. A count down will have you awakening to the day leaving you feeling important, confident and more positive. A cd will be given to you on arrival with your workshop notes; this will enable you to continue these sessions once you have finished the retreat.

2.30pm – Free time; This time can be spent relaxing with massages, walking, resting etc). Sandra Kaye will be available for one on one sessions (extra charge applies) for treatments such as Reiki, Lymphatic Drainage, Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapy or any Remedial Massages or Treatments. Bookings will be essential as there are limited spaces available.

6.00pm – Dinner

7.00pm- Group Discussion

Sunday –

7.00am – Group Walk along the beach, we will use our guided imagery from yesterday and apply it to real life using breathing and relaxing techniques to release stress and tension and bring in positive energy. (Weather permitting) Yoga or Pilates will be the alternate options.

8.30am – Breakfast

9.30am – Deep Relaxation 2 (Relaxation, Motivation, and Ability to Achieve). This will be similar to yesterday’s session except we will be walking through a garden, walking on petals. The petals will fall on us and slowly fall to the ground. We feel the sensation of them as they relax us with each breath that we take. We will focus on motivation, the ability to achieve, confidence and relaxation.

11.00am – Group Session – Nutrition. In this hour we will focus on the importance of a good balanced diet, touching on alkaline and acidity and what ratios are best to keep our body functioning correctly. Enhance your awareness of dietary needs and put them into practice into your daily lifestyle.

12.00pm – Lunch

1.00pm – Core Stability, some great core exercises to keep a good posture and protect against back ailments. Light exercises to stretch out and lengthen our body and a final meditation.

2.00pm – Free Time; relax and unwind, swim, walk or sit and take in the beauty of your paradise location. Sandra Kaye will be available for one on one sessions and or treatments (extra charge applies). Bookings Essential limited places available.

4.00pm – Final Group Discussion

4.30pm – Your wonderful weekend now comes to a close!

These times and sessions are only guidelines, you can choose any activities that are listed on this site.

For further information regarding retreat weekends please Contact Us.